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This morning, I woke up to the first snowflake of the season and although I do not enjoy the cold weather and inconvenience that goes with the cold and snow, I choose to look for the good and not focus on the bad about this situation. I know that perspective is what determines my mood…
Read MoreFirst and foremost, please note that despite the title of this blog, this is not a political post. This is a post about something I hold near and dear – learning. I’m reflecting on the outcome of the election and attempting to learn from others. I am trying to understand why someone would vote for…
Read MoreWhen Change Your Thinking, Ignite Your Life concluded with T.S. Eliot’s powerful words, “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go,” it was a call to action—a challenge to push our limits and explore our potential. Now, I’m thrilled to announce the release of my new…
Read MoreThe solar eclipse that is happening / has happened today represents a “moment in time”. Millions have made an extra effort to travel, sometimes thousands of miles to a location where they can view this rarity. They deemed this a special occasion worthy of preparation, planning, and in many cases a financial investment to experience…
Read MoreAs I watched a news report about all the impact Covid had on our society, I am reminded of a very important fact that also came from that experience. In the past few days, I have seen several examples of the failure of much of the world’s population to realize how connected we are. I…
Read MoreDestiny is not predetermined. Our habits determine our destiny. Habits happen before results. If habits are aligned with your desired results, then those desired results will happen. If your habits are misaligned with your desired outcome, then your desired life won’t happen. Please keep in mind that habits are different than actions although habits include…
Read MoreA few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend my class reunion. Admittedly, I was not excited about it. I wasn’t that popular in high school and most of the people who would attend were strangers by now as we’ve all gone out and lived our own lives in various places. The single strand…
Read MoreAre you constantly busy? Do you feel like you couldn’t possibly work any harder than you are already? But, at the same time, do you get to the end of the day, look back and wonder what it was that you accomplished today? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you may be…
Read MoreToday we celebrate America’s Independence, but what about your independence and freedom? Are you independent? Are you free? Freedom is the absence of necessity, coercion or constraint in choice or action. Meaning you have control over yourself and your own destiny. Before I became aware of this fact, I would look for reasons things didn’t…
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