A Lesson from Today’s Solar Eclipse
The solar eclipse that is happening / has happened today represents a “moment in time”. Millions have made an extra effort to travel, sometimes thousands of miles to a location where they can view this rarity.
They deemed this a special occasion worthy of preparation, planning, and in many cases a financial investment to experience this event.
While we may remember this event more than others in our life because of its uniqueness, it is no different than any other moment in our life. It happens once and we will not get to relive it.
The lesson for me today is to make each moment in your life important. Make memories every day. Take the time to enjoy the special gifts we’ve been given each day. While not every moment is a once in a lifetime event, each moment is unique. Even though I will attend other sporting events, each one is unique. Even though I will enjoy conversations with loved ones, each one is different.
Even though I will read and write more books, each one will be different and special in their own way. Even if I watch a movie I’ve seen before, it will be different because I may watch with someone else or I may hear or see something that I didn’t remember the first time I watched it.
Live every moment with the uniqueness it deserves!
About the Author
Kevin J. Gardner
A newly published author, Kevin is an experienced telecommunications professional; President of Multifamily Utility Solutions and Managing Partner of Telecom Marketing Strategies after a 20 year career with Comcast where he served in several senior management roles.
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