Time to ask “Why” more often

I was thinking about how it’s encouraged to ask “why” when we don’t know, don’t understand or just want to get more information. And since we don’t ever know everything about anything, why do we so often dig in and defend our point of view instead of asking “why”? After all, our point of view is based only on what we know or believe we know which we know, isn’t everything?

Is our point of view possibly the only “right “answer – or if we get more information about a subject whether that be from books, podcasts, videos or even another person, could we learn something new? Even if we don’t like what we’ve found out, haven’t we learned? And doesn’t learning facilitate growth? And isn’t growth a good thing?

Afterall, the Merriam Webster Dictionary definition of growth includes the description “progressive development”. Synonyms for growth include “improvement”, “maturation”, “betterment”, “development” and “advancement” among others.

Why are we so often unwilling to ask “why” and try to improve, mature, better ourselves, develop and make advancements by being open to learning?

Why is being right with only the information we have more important than learning and growing from other sources, including others who don’t share our current point of view? Why are we willing to stop learning and growing just to be right? I’m going to do more to make sure I never stop learning. I’m going to be that inquisitive two-year old and ask “why” more often. I hope you’ll challenge yourself to ask “why” more often and be more open to learning and growth with me.

Author Kevin J. GardnerAbout the Author

Kevin J. Gardner

A newly published author, Kevin is an experienced telecommunications professional; President of Multifamily Utility Solutions and Managing Partner of Telecom Marketing Strategies after a 20 year career with Comcast where he served in several senior management roles.

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